You clicked on number 38—kudos! Here’s one of Max’s dumb side projects.

Max created a music festival in Saint-Tropez*. But it was definitely not the typical bling-bling event with champagne and velvet chairs. The theme? Stupidity—and trust me, he’s an expert. With a budget so small a ‘Tropezian’ seagull would laugh, all the promotion was DIY. And that’s where all the fun was!

*Yes, Max speaks about Max at the third person.

Concept / Copywriting / Art Direction / Acting (Max is the one in the caveman costume)



First, here’s the festival showreel. The idea was to poke fun at those cliché TV shows about Saint-Tropez.

A week before the festival, we kicked off the promotion with a stupid video, popping out at every red light in Saint-Tropez.

Then, we "messed up" a radio interview on the famous French station NRJ.

To top it off, we ran an equally stupid radio ad.

Oh, and we also launched a dumb Instagram TV channel to keep the absurdity rolling..

Check out more dumb promo concepts on Instagram : @INDIE FEST